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The Mojito

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Ah, the Mojito. A favorite of vacationers looking to soak up the tropical sun and catch an afternoon nap on the beach. This cocktail is not only able to get you fully immersed in the often tropical but always exotic destinations that Nathan Drake and his friends travel to on their adventures, but is also rumored to be influenced by the cocktail Sir Francis Drake himself invented to cure his shipmates of dysentery. Given the boozy, minty delights of this particular cocktail combined with the same historical roots of which the Uncharted series is based, nothing could be a better drink pairing as you’re plundering ancient civilizations and searching for lost treasures.

A traditional Mojito recipe calls for lime juice and to leave the muddled mint leaves in the glass, but I like to use fresh limes and a strainer so i get as much as the taste and as little of the leafy bits as possible.


1 Lime
3 Sugar Cubes
4 Mint Leaves (or as many as you like!)
White Rum (Bacardi)
Club Soda


Slice the lime into 1-inch slices, set aside 1 slice and throw the other slices into a cocktail shaker.
Add mint leaves, sugar cubes to cocktail shaker.
Use a muddler (or hard end of something, a mallet or even a spatula will do) to gently squeeze the limes, sugar, and mint leaves together until cubes are dissolved and that minty aroma is released.
Pour in a few ice cubes and 1.5 – 3oz of Rum.
Stir or shake ingredients together.
(Optional) Strain into a Collins glass. I like to double strain it so that there are no mint leaves in the glass, although a traditional Mojito has all of the mint and limes within the glass to give it that tropical look.
Top up with ice and club soda until glass is full.
Garnish with the lime slice from before, and a mint leaf.
Get ready to partake in the adventures of Nate Drake, Elena, and Sully as they trot the globe in search of treasures!
I like to top up with club soda and a little bit of tonic water, mostly because I’m a sucker for tonic and like the flavor it adds.
For extra vacation-y vibes, use a metal straw to drink from. This allows you to drink from the bottom of the glass, getting that full Mojito flavor with a hint of the club soda.